George Albert Brueton- 2nd Btn Royal
Warwickshire Regiment
Private Brueton served with the 2nd Btn Royal Warwicks throughout the War, landing with the BEF in France for the first time on 23rd September 1939 and stayed with the Battalion during the 'phoney war'. After the German break through of 1940 George was fortunate enough to be evacuated from Bray Dunes on the 31st of May, during the withdrawal of British forces, and made it home.
George stayed with the Battalion during it's rest, refit and retraining ready for to return to the continent 4 years later, almost to the day. Whilst in Blighty, in 1941 George married Ellen Gale, and by the time he was deployed to Normandy with the rest of the Battalion, he was expecting his first child. A child he would tragically, never live to meet.
We know that George survived the first battle of Lebisey Wood on June 7th 1944, however this did not mean he was safe by any means, as death could come from snipers, artillery, mortar and roving German patrols. All we know is that between the 23rd and the 25th June, George was killed in action. The Regimental diary stating patrol activity and mortaring with 'casualties sustained'.
Private Brueton was laid to rest initially near Hillman bunker complex, before being interned to the Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery La Délivrande where he rests today. Alongside many other men of the Regiment. George is a relation of one of our members (L/Cpl Woods) meaning that our annual Normandy trip holds an extra, special poignance for him.