Royal Warwickshire Regiment 
Re-enactment Group

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When an infantryman landed on the beaches in Normandy, he carried ashore everything he would need not only to fight, but to live and survive in hostile terrain. This meant water, food, clothes, hygienic implements and the little comforts of home that made fighting in foreign lands more bearable.  In the field, each soldier would personalise his kit to suit his individual needs, with a mix of personal items and issued equipment. This was, for the most part, carried on a soldiers back.  Shown below is a set up for a D-Day/ D-Day +1 impression:

Contents of Small Pack

  1. 37 Pattern Small Pack
  2. Rubberised Ground Sheet/ Rain Cape
  3. Brown Enamel Tin Mug (White or Green is Also Acceptable)

On the reverse of small pack are two 37 pattern 'L straps' attached at the top and bottom of the pack, allowing it to be worn on the soldiers back and be attached to the webbing just above the utility pouches.

  1. Small Pack
  2. Issue Pullover
  3. Spare issued socks
  4. Cap Comforter
  5. Issue Towel
  6. Brown Enamel Tin Mug
  7. Spare Issue Underpants
  8. Folding Hexi Stove
  9. Hexi Fuel Tin
  10. Hexi Fuel Refill Tube
  11. Tea Ration Tin
  12. Boiled Sweets Tin
  1. Water Sterilizing Tablet Tin
  2. Frey Bentos Corned Beef
  3. Emergency Ration Chocolate Tin
  4. Cigarette Ration Tin
  5. Assault Ration Box
  6. 24 Hour Ration Box
  7. Mess Tins (Pair)
  8. Wash roll containing:
    • Soap
    • Foot powder
    • Mirror
    • Toothbrush
    • Tooth paste
    • Razor
    • Spare Blades
    • Shaving brush
    • Button stick
    • Knife Fork & Spoon
    • Spare Leather Boot Laces
  9. Rain Cape/ Ground Sheet